The Collaborative of First-Gen and/or Low-Income Alumni Networks (COFLAN) is a group of first-gen and/or low-income (FLI) alumni networks across the country that convene to establish and share best practices for alumni assisting FLI students with the challenges they face while in school and post-graduation. We hope to serve as a resource to those interested in creating similar alumni networks at their alma maters. Through these collaborations, we will establish connections with and support each other, while celebrating those who are first.
The COFLAN Fellowship is a program that seeks to help FLI alumni start a FLI alumni network at their alma mater. COFLAN is accepting applications for fellows for the 2024-2025 cycle. The fellowship will focus on four main areas:
Network Establishment:
COFLAN will support fellows in establishing robust first-generation/low-income (FLI) alumni networks at their respective alma maters, providing them with guidance on effective models and strategies for network development.
Capacity Building:
COFLAN will equip fellows with the necessary resources, skills, connections, and knowledge to effectively engage with their school administrations and stakeholders, enabling them to advocate for the needs and interests of FLI alumni within their institutions.
Mentorship and Support: COFLAN will provide fellows with mentorship opportunities from experienced leaders who have successfully established FLI alumni networks, offering guidance, advice, and support throughout the network-building process.
Community Expansion:
Foster the growth and expansion of the COFLAN network by cultivating a community and cohort of FLI alumni leaders who are committed to supporting each other and collaborating on initiatives aimed at advancing the interests of FLI students and alumni across various institutions.
Application Deadline July 31st 2024
Fellows will be Notified by: August 15th, 2024
Fellowship begins: September 18th, 2024